Wednesday, August 06, 2008



Since retiring, I love to spend time in the kitchen, sipping on an Old Scratch beer (made by Flying Dog), cooking up what sounds good to me. My imagination usually ends up tasting pretty good. Here's one of the first I tried:

  • Heat vegetable oil and add half a large onion (whole if you like)
    When onions are soft add a table spoon of sugar and saute to brown
  • Add 7 to 8 1” thick slices of port tenderloin and brown each side for 2 minutes
  • Add 2/3 cup of hard apple cider and 2/3 cup of chicken or vegetable stock
  • Salt and pepper to taste and a table spoon of sage
  • Bring mixture to full boil and then simmer for 20 minutes
  • Then separate the meat slices with slices (about 1/2 to 1” thick) of apple (any kind or mix) I used Mutsu
  • Cook apples for 3 minutes each side (you can turn meat if you like)

Serve with either a salad, long grain brown rice, or, as I did, a cold bean salad on the side (see photos)

1 comment:

FHB said...

Oh damn. Dude, how the hell did I get through there again without you cookin' for me? Too many things to do in too little time. One of these days...

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